
вторник, 8 февруари 2011 г.

Is this why you love 'Edward Cullen'?

Someone from Guyism.com (the website name should be a first clue as to how this is going to go down, by the way) posted a really interesting perspective article on fictional male characters and what guys can learn from them.
Of course Edward Cullen from the Twilight series was included (second only to Leonardo DiCaprio's Titanic Jack Dawson), and naturally there are things to be learned from why so many women adore this character . . . but the person penning "13 things to learn from fictional boyfriends women love" might not have gotten it right, or has he? You decide.
Here's what he had to say about Edward (edited for language, etc.):
Twilight not only filled the void Buffy the Vampire Slayer left behind, but it set precedent as grown women . . . openly took part in this rampant fangirldom. The reason for this madness can be attributed to the paranormal love triangle involving a girl, a vampire and a werewolf. It’s a testament to a woman’s desire for the best of both worlds from their partners, sensitivity and beast-like manliness . . .
Lesson learned: Edward drives girls crazy because he knows how to play the game. He doesn’t immediately give her what she wants and he always looks slightly [angry]. These two elements combined afford him an air of mystery, arousing the ladies while steering him clear of the dreaded friend zone . . . .
In the first paragraph, he makes a really good point. The two main love interest-ish characters in the story, Edward and Jacob, do offer separate ends of a spectrum . . . but it's more of a romance versus friendship thing with those two. The idea of the beast being with one and not the other does not quite fit with the lore. Both characters are fully capable of unleashing an animal of destruction - one's just more obvious than the other.
As for the "Lesson learned," is there something to this?
It seemed that the vocabulary word of choice around the first film's release was "brooding." "Edward is brooding." "Robert Pattinson, how do you feel about brooding all of the time?" "Brooding, brooding, brooding." And so on. This wasn't an insult, but rather a fact about the way Edward looked in the film. By definition, the word means hovering, looming, or dwelling gloomily, and at times he did. As for whether he didn't give her what she wanted at first, that is also true - and this isn't just about sex, either. Attention and communication, primarily, were denied her in Twilight, as well as answers about his, well, brooding attitude.
So, do you love Edward Cullen, at least in part, because he was hard to get and angry-looking? Probably not, but it's a humorous take on the issue and a great segue into a difficult question: It is hard to put a precise finger on what draws you to the character, isn't it? Why do women/girls fall for the character Edward Cullen? Care to take a stab at it? Sound off in the comments below!

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